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What is KITHTAR?

The land of Kithtar was once a united kingdom of Elven mystics. As the centuries passed, the great depths of the underworld grew in power while the Kithtar remained complacent. The few left to fight off invading creatures from the depths began to slowly die off. As time passed, one day in what is now called the great "Awakening" armies led by an underworld demon called Bazaruth were able to overcome the elven empire and force them in to retreat. 

After 100 years of war with Bazaruth's forces, eventually the 4 new elven lords who learned how to fight back from studying the ancient mystics were able to overcome his forces. Once the day had been won, and Bazaruth and his dark armies were sealed back beneath the underdark realms, the elven lords of Kithtar declared the start of a new Era.

In this era the elven mystics would never again allow dark times such as those that just passed. However, the lords all began to disagree exactly how those times would be avoided in a sustainable long term way. Instead of collapsing into a civil war over the rift, the wise lords decreed that all 4 of their own Kingdoms would be allowed to pursue their own methods. The only common law between all 4 kingdoms was that each had to provide evidence at the great yearly cycle festival, that Bazaruth's forces were still at bay in their own kingdoms.

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