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Octus Savage Lands

What is TELLADOM ?

Telladom is a walled city in the east of the Octus Savage Lands built by a dying technology empire. Within it's walls the remaining populations of the world are protected from the rogue elements left in the world. Threats like out of control technology, mutated creatures from past wars, and the wild tribes of Clurg all await those who wander outside the walls.

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What is CLURG ?

Clurg is inhabited and ruled by the Ape-Men. A species which developed on this world over the course of it's collapse. Surrounded by canyon crevices that are in some cases miles deep, the lush protected forest of Clurg is hidden from view from the sky both due to the forest itself, and because of dense fog created by the warm air that escapes from depths below.


The wilds of the lands to the west of the walled city are littered with crashed ships, abandoned or malfunctioning technology, and in some cases roving patrols of scavengers from Clurg, or other places.  


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