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Showing posts from April, 2019

Cape Traveen

What is  CAPE TRAVEEN ? Cape Traveen is an abandon base set in a dystopian future where technology has become a rare commodity, but is sometimes found in working condition, but with often misunderstood purpose. Approximately 6 months ago, a group of refugees from the nearby city of Telladom discovered a peculiar control room in the building (Area Q) One of the leader's Damien Staven, had the privilege of studying Octus technology before his family became hunted, and chased across the wilds. He was able to find a battery in the abandoned base, and power the machines up in the control room. It was then he discovered a system in the control center that was actually a piloting mechanism. It allowed an ability to control a great beast in the wilds! The Octus Empire undoubtedly was experimenting with ways to control the remaining biological life on the planet, as well as using it as a defense for the base. Now Damien, his family, and the remaining refugees would be abl...